Do NBA Players Get Paid When Suspended? Find Out Here!

By albert111

Have you ever wondered what happens to NBA players’ salaries when they are suspended? In this article, we’ll explore the financial repercussions of suspensions on NBA players. Whether you’re a basketball fan or simply curious about do NBA players get paid when suspended, read on to find out!

Key Takeaways:

  • NBA players receive reduced pay when they are suspended, depending on the length of the suspension.
  • For suspensions less than 20 games, players lose 1/145th of their salary per game.
  • For suspensions of 20 games or more, players lose 0.9% (1/110th) of their salary per game.
  • Players do not receive their full pay during the suspension, but rather a reduced amount.
  • The financial impact of suspensions increases with the length of the suspension.

How Much Do NBA Players Lose When Suspended?

When NBA players are suspended, they face a financial loss that can have a significant impact on their earnings. The amount that NBA players lose when suspended varies based on the length of the suspension. For suspensions lasting less than 20 games, players lose 1/145th of their salary per game. However, for suspensions longer than 20 games, players face a more significant hit to their finances, losing 0.9% (1/110th) of their salary per game.

Let’s take a look at an example to better understand the financial impact of suspensions on NBA players. Suppose a player has an annual salary of $10 million. If they are suspended for 10 games, they would lose approximately $689,655.17 ($10,000,000 / 145 games * 10 games). However, if the suspension extends to 30 games, the loss would increase to around $2,727,272.73 ($10,000,000 / 110 games * 30 games). As you can see, the longer the suspension, the greater the financial loss for the player.

Suspensions can have a ripple effect on an NBA player’s finances, affecting not only their current earnings but also their overall financial stability. It’s important for players to understand the implications of their actions and the potential consequences of suspensions, both on and off the court.

Suspension LengthLoss per Game
Less than 20 games1/145th of salary
20 games or more0.9% (1/110th) of salary

Note: The calculations shown above are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect the exact figures for specific player contracts.

When Are NBA Players Paid?

NBA players, like employees in many professions, have a regular payment schedule. Typically, players receive their salaries on the first and 15th of each month, providing them with a consistent income stream throughout the season. However, it’s important to note that the specific payment schedule may vary depending on individual negotiation between the player and their team.

Some players may choose to negotiate a different payment schedule, such as receiving their salary in lump sum payments upfront or spreading out the payments over a different timeframe. These variations in payment schedules are often based on the player’s personal financial preferences and needs.

The timing and frequency of payments are ultimately determined by the player’s contract and agreement with their team. The Collective Bargaining Agreement, which governs the relationship between players and the league, specifies the terms of payment. Players can refer to their contracts to understand the specific details of their payment schedule, including any modifications or special arrangements they have negotiated.

Sources of Revenue for the NBA

The NBA, as one of the most popular professional sports leagues in the world, generates revenue from various sources, which contribute to funding player salaries and various league operations. Let’s take a closer look at the primary sources of revenue for the NBA.

Leasing Arenas for Events

One significant source of revenue for the NBA is leasing its arenas for various events. NBA arenas are often used for concerts, exhibitions, and other sporting events when they are not in use for basketball games. These events generate substantial income for the league and its teams, helping to support player salaries and other financial obligations.

TV Broadcasting Contracts

The NBA’s television broadcasting contracts form another significant revenue stream for the league. The NBA has lucrative deals with major networks and cable channels, both domestically and internationally. These broadcasting contracts not only provide extensive television coverage for NBA games but also generate substantial income through licensing fees and advertising revenue.

Local TV Deals

In addition to the national broadcasting contracts, NBA teams often negotiate local television deals with regional networks. These local TV deals allow teams to broadcast their games to their local markets, creating additional revenue through advertising and broadcasting rights. The size and value of local TV deals can vary depending on the market size and popularity of the team.

Naming Rights for Arenas

Many NBA teams secure naming rights for their arenas, partnering with corporate sponsors who pay a significant fee for the naming rights. These sponsorship agreements provide a substantial source of revenue for the teams, which can be used to fund player salaries and other operational expenses. The duration and value of these naming rights deals depend on the market and popularity of the team.

Jersey and Merchandise Sales

Jersey and merchandise sales are another essential revenue source for the NBA. Fans across the globe purchase NBA jerseys, hats, and other merchandise to show their support for their favorite teams and players. The league receives a significant portion of the revenue from these sales, which helps sustain the financial viability of the NBA and the teams.

Concession Stands and Restaurants

Furthermore, NBA teams generate revenue from concession stands and restaurants within their arenas. These establishments offer a range of food and beverage options to fans during games and other events. The profits from these sales contribute to the overall revenue of the teams, helping to support player salaries and other operational costs.

In conclusion, the NBA has a diversified portfolio of revenue sources that sustain the financial operations of the league and its teams. From leasing arenas for events and TV broadcasting contracts to local TV deals, naming rights for arenas, jersey and merchandise sales, and revenue from concession stands and restaurants, the NBA’s financial success is reliant on these sources of income. These revenue streams support the payment of player salaries and ensure the smooth functioning of the league as a whole.

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Why is Ja Morant in Hot Water?

Ja Morant, the talented point guard for the Memphis Grizzlies, recently found himself in hot water due to a social media post that violated league rules. In the video, Ja Morant was seen at a strip club holding a firearm. This behavior immediately caught the attention of both his team and the NBA, leading to severe consequences for the young player.

The Memphis Grizzlies initially handed Morant an eight-game suspension as a result of his actions. However, the NBA conducted a further investigation and decided to increase the suspension to 25 games without pay. The league takes player conduct and adherence to its rules very seriously, and Morant’s violation warranted significant disciplinary action.

It is essential for NBA players to understand the consequences of their actions, both on and off the court. The league expects its players to conduct themselves in a manner that upholds its values and maintains a positive image. Violations of league rules can result in not only financial losses but also damage to one’s reputation and standing within the basketball community.

As a rising star in the NBA, Morant’s suspension serves as a reminder that players must be mindful of their actions and the impact they can have on their careers. The league’s disciplinary measures are in place to ensure the integrity of the game and to hold players accountable for their behavior. It is now up to Morant to reflect on this experience, learn from his mistakes, and work towards regaining the trust of his team, the league, and the fans.

Player Conduct and the NBA

Player conduct is a significant concern for the NBA and its teams, as it reflects not only on the individuals involved but also on the league as a whole. The NBA has a code of conduct in place that outlines the expectations for its players, both on and off the court. Violations of this code can result in fines, suspensions, or other disciplinary actions.

“We expect our players to uphold a high standard of conduct and to conduct themselves in accordance with the NBA’s values. When those standards are not met, we take appropriate action to address the situation and maintain the integrity of the game.”NBA Commissioner Adam Silver

Incidents like Ja Morant’s suspension serve as a reminder to all NBA players that their actions have consequences. The league aims to create a safe and inclusive environment for all players, staff, and fans, and it will not tolerate behavior that goes against its values. It is crucial for players to understand and respect the league’s rules and guidelines to ensure their longevity and success in the NBA.

While the suspension is undoubtedly a setback for Morant, it also presents an opportunity for growth and self-reflection. How he handles this situation and learns from his mistake will determine his future trajectory both on and off the court. The NBA has a strong support system in place to help players navigate challenges and make positive changes, and it is up to Morant to seize this opportunity and come back stronger than before.

Also read: Do NBA Players Get Paid When Injured?

Do Suspended Players Receive Their Salaries?

Do Suspended Players Receive Their Salaries

When an NBA player is suspended, they are not eligible to receive their salary for the duration of the suspension. Whether the suspension is imposed by the team or the league, the player does not receive their regular pay during the suspension. The Collective Bargaining Agreement outlines the loss of pay as a means to enforce the contracts and regulations of the league.

Suspended NBA players face financial consequences due to their absence from games. This loss of pay serves as a deterrent and a way to ensure that players adhere to the rules and regulations set by the NBA. It is a fair and necessary measure to maintain the integrity of the league and to hold players accountable for their actions.

While suspended, players may not only lose out on their salary but also on endorsements and other income streams that are often tied to their on-court performance. The financial impact can be significant, especially for players who face longer suspensions. This serves as a reminder for players to conduct themselves responsibly both on and off the court to avoid detrimental consequences to their careers and earnings.

In summary, suspended NBA players do not receive their regular salaries during their time away from the game. The loss of pay is an important factor in enforcing the rules and regulations of the league and serves as a deterrent for misconduct. It is vital for players to understand the potential financial consequences of their actions and to strive for responsible behavior both on and off the court.


In conclusion, NBA players do not receive their full pay when they are suspended. The amount they lose depends on the length of the suspension, with a greater financial impact for longer suspensions. For suspensions under 20 games, players lose 1/145th of their salary per game, while suspensions over 20 games result in a loss of 0.9% (1/110th) per game.

The loss of pay during suspensions is outlined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement, which serves as a means to enforce the rules and regulations of the league. It is crucial for NBA players to understand the financial consequences of suspensions and the potential impact on their earnings.

By implementing reduced pay during suspensions, the league aims to discourage behavior that violates league rules and maintain the integrity of the game. This serves as a reminder to players of the importance of adhering to the standards set forth by the NBA.


Do NBA players get paid when suspended?

No, NBA players do not receive their regular pay when they are suspended.

How much do NBA players lose when suspended?

The duration of the suspension determines how much NBA players lose. For suspensions less than 20 games, players lose 1/145th of their salary per game. For suspensions of 20 games or more, players lose 0.9% (1/110th) of their salary per game.

When are NBA players paid?

NBA players typically receive their salaries on the first and 15th of each month, although this can vary depending on individual negotiation. The timing and frequency of payments are ultimately determined by the player’s contract and agreement with the team.

What are the NBA’s sources of income?

The NBA generates revenue from various sources, including leasing arenas for events, TV broadcasting contracts, local TV deals, naming rights for arenas, and jersey and merchandise sales. Additionally, some teams generate revenue from concession stands and restaurants within their arenas.

Why is Ja Morant in hot water?

Ja Morant faced a suspension due to a video he posted on social media, where he was seen with a firearm at a strip club. This violation of league rules resulted in an initial eight-game suspension by his team, the Memphis Grizzlies, which was later increased to a 25-game suspension without pay by the NBA.

Do suspended players receive their salaries?

No, when an NBA player is suspended, they are not eligible to receive their salary for the duration of the suspension.

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